Wednesday, 3 September 2008

I’m Not Quick With Quantum

Couldn’t get through on the QuantumSat phone so no news of Wiffy. Very worrying that I can’t get the phone working properly. At least I can use the email function to send these blog entries. The world will not stop turning after all! Making the most of the indoor bathroom with flushing loo while I can. Apparently some of the places I am about to cover have just one outdoor loo shared by 40 people!

I’ve been reading the QuantumSat manual again this morning. Despite the flak jacket and aviator sunglasses I’m not really your macho, intrepid journo type but as far as I can tell, these fancy new phone/web combo apps mean that if I ever get shot, kidnapped, hospitalised with malaria or trampled by other, more macho and intrepid journo types who know how to use their QuantumSat phones – I can share video messages with other contacts and see my exact location on a map and therefore save my neck if I’m lost or in great danger. This is the state of modern news reporting. I might never be awarded the Pulitzer Prize but I could be remembered as a dot on a map! Still, I’m not off to the field until tomorrow.